- Go to Windows >> Run in Windows XP,7 and Vista. Windows 8 users press Windows + R on keyboardNow type “cmd” and press enter.Now in the DOS window (Black Colour Window) which opens up type ” FORMAT F ” without Inverted commas. (here F is the drive letter of my pendrive/memory card)
- If the above does not work try this one . This always works.PRESS WINDOWS KEY AND GO TO RUNTYPE cmd AND PRESS ENTERNOW IN THE DOS WINDOW(BLACK SCREEN) TYPE THE FOLLOWING“FORMAT X: /FS:FAT32 /Q /V: PenDrive” (here x is the drive letter of my pendrive/memory card..and write without quotes AND DO NOT GIVE SPACE BETWEEN “V: AND PENDRIVE” HERE I GIVED SPACE BECAUSE IT WAS TURNING INTO A SMILEY)
- This is the third way to Format a Virus Infected Pen drive or Memory card.Use a Linux BoxOther solution to format virus infected pen drive is to insert it into a PC on which Linux is installed and then format it on that PC only. Since Linux systems are unaffected by viruses so you will be able to format virus infected Pen Drive or Memory Card.When you put a virus infected pen Drive in a Linux system and then open it you will be able to see all the content including the viruses. If you do not want to format the Pen Drive you can delete the viruses.
Hope this helps you in Formatting your Virus Infected Pen Drive or Memory Card
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