Indian handset maker Karbonn Mobiles has launched a new budget smartphone, the Titanium S5. The flagship handset is priced at Rs 11,990 and is currently available exclusively from
Karbonn Titanium S5 sports a 5-inch IPS qHD display and a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor that lets the user navigate across applications, browse the Internet and do more at great speeds. Multi-tasking has also been made easy thanks to the combination of a 1GB RAM and a 4GB ROM. The phone comes laden with four independent chip units to perform different tasks together, making multi-tasking a breeze.
Karbonn Titanium S5 sports a 5-inch IPS qHD display and a 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor that lets the user navigate across applications, browse the Internet and do more at great speeds. Multi-tasking has also been made easy thanks to the combination of a 1GB RAM and a 4GB ROM. The phone comes laden with four independent chip units to perform different tasks together, making multi-tasking a breeze.
The sleek Titanium S5 is priced at Rs 11,990
The Titanium S5 runs Android version 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. The phone is a dual-SIM one, as is the norm with most budget Android handset these days. The company says that SIM1 in Titanium S5 supports 3G and SIM2 supports 2G network. The phone’s memory can be expanded up to 32GB via a micro-SD card.
Karbonn Titanium S5 comes with an 8MP auto focus camera with flash and a 2MP front facing camera for video calls using third-party apps like Skype.
Karbonn Titanium S5 comes with a proximity sensor so you can make calls without worrying about the screen acting up, an acceleration sensor that essentially rotates your screen gauging the angle at which it is held and a light sensor that automatically changes the screen’s brightness according to the place you are in. The phone comes with a 2000 mAh battery.
Only yesterday, Karbonn’s A6 had been spotted online for Rs 5,390 on The entry-level Android has a 4-inch screen and runs Android version 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich.
Karbonn A6 is a dual-SIM phone and the 4-inch screen sports a 800 x 480 pixel IPS display. The phone is powered by a 1GHz processor with 512MB of RAM in tow. Being a budget phone, it has a very small on-board storage of 104MB. However, it can be expanded up to 32GB via microSD card.
It has a 5MP rear camera and a VGA front facing one for video calling, making it a good deal for an entry-level Android handset. The A6 offers GPRS/EDGE while sadly skips 3G capabilities, so all your Skype callings will need to be done on Wi-Fi. The phone has Bluetooth capabilities, FM Radio to make travelling easy and a 3.5 mm jack that will support nearly all earphones. The phone comes with a 1450 mAh battery that ensures a talktime of 3.5 hours or a standby time of around 250 hours.
Source: tech2
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